MINUTES OF MEETING BELLA COLLINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Bella Collina Community Development District was held Thursday, February 16,2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Bella Collina Clubhouse, 16350 Vetta Drive, Montverde, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Randall Greene Chairman David Burman Vice Chairman Duane Owen Assistant Secretary Andrew Gortill Assistant Secretary Rick Scharich byphone Assistant Secretary (not sworn in) Also present were: George Flint District Manager Jan Carpenter District Counsel Steve Boyd byphone District Engineer Andy Hatton Field Manager FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr.Flint called the meeting to order. Four members ofthe Board were present constituting a quorum. Mr. Flint: Mr. Scharich is here but is not sworn yet. He is participating by phone. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flint: We just have staffand Board members. TmRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the January 12, 2023 Meeting Mr. Flint: Did the board have any comments or corrections to those? Mr. Greene: No. Mr.Flint: Is there a motion to approve them? February 16,2023 BellaCollinaCOO On MOTION by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Owen, with all in favor, the Minutes of the January 12,2023 Meeting, were approved, as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing A. Consideration of Resolution 2023-04 Adopting Proposed Amended Rates & Fees Mr. Flint: We will open the public hearing. For the record, we will note there are no membersofthepublic here to provide commentor testimony so we will bring it back totheBoard. AtyourJanuarymeeting,youauthorizedstaffto advertisearatehearing fortoday.Wemovedthe Februarymeetingaweeklaterto allowforthenecessarynotices to beadvertised.ExhibitA tothe resolution is included in the agenda and you will see highlighted the illegal connection meter tampering. We have increased from $100 plus estimated usage to first offense $500 plus estimated usage second offense of$l,OOO and then third and future offenses at $2,000. Mr. Greene: Can we also make sure; I think we discussed this at the last meeting that we can lien the property? Because that would prevent a draw from happening until that gets cleared up. Ms. Carpenter: We have a draft notice that we will give to George's finn to file whenever they have to do one of these. Mr. Greene: They will not like it when that draw gets held up. Mr. Flint: We will add these fees to their monthly bill. lffor some reason they do not pay their monthly bill, then we would have recourse to lien. Mr. Greene: Got it. Mr. Flint: Then we have also added a grinder station start up reschedule fee of $250 per occurrence. We have had issues where builders have called for grinder station startups and when the supplier gets out there, they don't have power or don't have water to it or they are not ready for it. This has been an ongoing issue so we recommended you put a fee in here to kind of encouragethemtomakesurethattheyareinfactreadyforthestart up whenthey callforit.Those were the main changes to the schedule. Any questions or comments from the Board? This was advertised and we did not receive any written or verbal comments prior to the hearing today and we don't have any public here. Mr. Greene: Did you discuss any ofthis at the builders meeting.this morning. 2 February 16,2023 Bella ColIina CDD Mr. Flint: Yeah, we did have the spring builders meeting this morning at 8:30 and I did go over this. We have a builder's guide that we prepare that provides various information for the builders including this information, We did add a section dealing with illegal connections and the new fees so they were all made aware ofthis. Mr. Greene: Did you get long blank stares? Mr. Flint: No, they were on their best behavior. I didn't really get any comments. I think they understand the severity of the issue and in most cases, it is their subcontractor that is doing this but they are responsible for their block guys and concrete guys. Mr.Greene: Absolutely. Mr. Flint: And whoever else is doing this. Mr. Greene: It all comes down to project management and supervision. Mr. Flint: Yeah, so when we bill them this and they pass it on to their subs, maybe their subs will start getting the message because I am sure the builders aren't going to be paying it directly. They are going to be sending it to their sub or deducting it from their fee. We did go over that this morning and I have updated the builders guide to include all of this information. Any further comments or questions? Mr. Greene: Hopefully that will make things run a little more smoothly in that department. Mr. Flint: Yeah, if nothing else, it will be a good revenue source for us if it doesn't run smoothly. As late as yesterday, Andy sent us a picture ofa connection on a lot directly to a meter. Mr.Greene: Which builder was it? Mr. Flint: It was Davila. They were almost done with their block and they had not even filed their application to initiate utility service. It wasn't that we hadn't set the meter yet, they hadn't event filed the application or paid the fees. Mr. Greene: Just out of curiosity, just say we catch somebody again, obviously sometimes it is repeat offenders, how much time or is there a state statute oftime that we have to give them to pay the fine or any fine or fee? Mr. Flint: We put it on their monthly bill. So, if they don't pay their monthly bill, we cut their water off. Mr. Greene: Okay, because obviously you are really going to get their attention when you throw, well not just the water offjust with the lien because when all of a sudden, the bank picks 3 February 16,2023 BellaCollinaCnD up on it and that bank won't do that draw, we get paid immediately but it is really going to get their attention especially ifit is a custom build. Mr. Flint: Right, when they get billed if they don't pay it by the next bill then we send a notice and then we lock offtheir service. Mr. Greene: Okay, so that is the procedure? Okay, gotcha. Mr. Gorrill: I think once those hose bibs go on with the meters though, I think that should nip this in the bud pretty good. Mr. Flint: Another thing we are doing, I have asked RCM when they install the meters to put a hose bib on the irrigation side, it's a temporary hose bib, but that gives the contractor somewhere to hook their hose up and not have to connect directly to a meter. Because what is happening is when they are connecting to those meters, sometimes they do not have the right fitting to connect to the meter, so they take the meter offto connect to the whip or fittings on the meters get removed and moved to somewhere else and they disappear. We think the insulation ofthe hose bib will hopefully help. RCM is going to do that under their existing fee. They are not going to charge extra. Mr. Greene: Oh okay, that's good. Mr. Flint: It is just a couple of pieces of PVC and a $5 hose bib so. Any other discussion and if not, is there a motion to approve Resolution 2023-04. On MOTION by Mr. Greene, seconded by Burman, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-04 Adopting Proposed Amended Rates & Fees, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Storage Space Rental Agreement with Compass Self Storage, LLC Mr. Flint: This is a storage unit rental agreement for the grinder stations. The tanks are all here on site at our Hill Crest Water Plant and our Pine Island Wastewater Plant site but the control panels and some of the other components of the. grinder stations have to be protected from the weather so we have the storage unit that is accessible with a tractor trailer so that they can unload pallets from a tractor trailer and put them into this storage site. Mr. Greene: Is this like a regular warehouse building? 4 February 16,2023 Bella Collina CnD Mr. Flint: Yes, the size is 10 x 40 and it has a door on each end, right and it has got room for a semi to pull in and be unloaded. The location works well because RCM is in Eustis and the Messina & Associates who is the supplier is also I think in Eustis so it is between there and here and it is on the same route that they use to get here so they can stop and pick stuff up. Mr.Greene: That is convenient. Mr. Flint: So, we entered into this. Just to cover us, I wanted to just ask the Board to ratify that rental agreement. I am sorry ifthere is fine print in there. Ms. Carpenter: There is not much that you are going to be able to do about it. Mr. Flint: Yeah, it's a small dollar amount. Ms. Carpenter: It's no worth it. Mr. Flint: $305 per month. On MOTION by Mr. Burman, seconded by Mr. Greene, with all in favor, the Storage Space Rental Agreement with Compass Self Storage, LLC, was ratified. srxm ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Flint: Anything else Jan? Ms. Carpenter: No, we do not have anything. B. Engineer Mr. Flint: No engineers report? Mr. Boyd: I am here George, but I don't have anything to report. C. District Manager's Report i. Approval of Check Registers Mr. Flint: You have the check register for the month of January totaling $178,264.9]. A significantamount ofthatis assessmentrevenuecomingin fromthe countythat we are transferring to the trustee. Any questions on that check register? Mr. Greene: No. On MOTION by Mr. Greene, seconded by Burman, with all in favor, the Check Register Totaling $178,264.91, was approved. 5 February 16,2023 Bella Collina eDD ii, Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint: These are unaudited through December 31St• If there are any questions, we can discuss those. There is no action required by the Board on those. iii. Presentation of Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Report for the Series 2004 Bonds Mr. Flint: We have the arbitrage report for the series 2004 bonds. This is a calculation that needs to be done per the IRS to make sure we are not earning more interest than we are paying and you all engaged Grau & Associates to prepare the calculation. You can see we have a negative rebaterequirement of$3.2 millionsotherearenoarbitrageissues.Anyquestionsonthereport? If not, is there a motion to accept it? On MOTION by Mr. Burman, seconded by Mr. Greene, with all in favor, Accepting the Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Report for Series 2004 Bonds, was approved. Iv. SBA Florida PRIME Monthly Summary Report Mr. Flint: For informational purposes, we have provided the monthly report for the Florida PRIME Investment Fund. This is the investment pool administered by the State Board of Administration. This report is through December of2022. Any questions on the report? lfnot, any other business? SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Flint: Mr. Greene had brought up at the last meeting that the owner of the club who is currently maintaining the dry retention areas and the utility plant sites from a mowing perspective has requested an increase in their contract. Mr. Greene: Left me confirm this but I believe it is $375 a month. Mr. Flint: That is $3,975, right? Mr. Greene: Yes, $3975 so that would represent $375 a month in an increase and it is primarily due to fuel and maintenance on the equipment. Mr. Flint: We have bid this out in the past and I think even at the increased rate it is still competitive with what other providers would increase. Mr. Greene: I am going to abstain from the vote. 6 February 16,2023 BellaCollinaCDD Ms. Carpenter: Do you have a form that they fill out? They have to fill out a form ofthe conflict. Mr. Flint: Yeah, I have a Form 8Bthat I will have Randall fill out. We will provide the Form 8B and keep that on file. On MOTION by Mr. Burman, seconded by Mr. Gorrill, with Mr. Burman, Mr. Gorrill, and Mr. Owen in favor and Mr. Greene abstaining, Authorization to Prepare Amendment to Contract for Mowing with Club Bella, was approved 3-0. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests Mr. Flint: Any other business or supervisor's requests? Hearing none, NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Flint: Is there a motion to adjourn? On MOTION by Mr. Burman, seconded by Mr. Gorrill, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. airman/Vice Chairman Secreta ,d".4J (J A-I-t,... ;:.., ~«.ŁeU' CH'lfI'l 7